Friday, November 12, 2010

patchwork pillow, cheese extravaganza

I've been really bad about not posting because I was totally distracted by the anticipation of and participation in A Super Rad Wisconsin Cheese Weekend with a couple of my cheesemonger friends. We went to the Wisconsin Cheese Originals Annual Festival in Madison, where we tried lots of delicious cheese (Rush Creek Reserve - hooray! If you like stinky, gooey, washed-rind cheese, this is the one for you) and shopped at Fromagination, pictured above. Aside from lovely cheese, they also carry these beautiful marshmallows from a company called Butter. I bought some rose flavored ones and devoured them all myself. What a great weekend! We had some great meals at Nostrano and Sardine and just pigged out generally. Then I came home and made this little pillow from bits and pieces of all the lovely fabrics I've been collecting. I put it in my shop on Etsy, and I will definitely be making more.


  1. Lex is blogging! I LOVE to see everything you've been making this year. Very, very impressive stuff, woman! And thank you for introducing me to Colette. I have some gorgeous linen and chambray that have been waiting for the right dress pattern for some time...

  2. Hey, you found me! Thanks so much for checkin' out all my stuff. I've been sewing a lot more recently. I hope you're well and finding time to sew too. Hope to see you guys soon!

  3. ps it's so exciting to have a follower!
